french key board is a little bit different from hk, if i wrote the same sentence, it became...
french key boqrd is q little bit different fro, hk; if i zrote the sq,e sentence; it becq,e:::
see the pic
see the pic§
they also got....................on the number keys...
they qlso got é è ç à £ ù § on the nu,ber keys:::
French lesson:
French lessonM
Enter = Entrée
Delete = Suppr
Cancel = Annuler
January = Janvier
Feburary = Février
March = Mars
Monitress With a French keyboard, what will "Gucci" and "LV" become?
One more moo liu thing, the "請輸入識別碼" of this message is "8641", my previous staff number in PwC. I should buy a mark six tonite!
2007-01-22 19:09:49
TAMAMA lv beco,es lv; gucci beco,es gucci; hehe;;; i q, very sleepy noz;;;
2007-01-23 05:11:27
班長 Both LV and Gucci passed the validity test! Yeah... should be a very excited and wont feel sleepy ga bo....
2007-01-23 13:51:54
TAMAMA i feel tired after usual, hahaha!!!
2007-01-23 14:01:01
Monitress em...i guess u feel a bit guilty after shopping as well...hehe
2007-01-24 09:23:10
Europe Day 1 - 3
I am too sleepy to write (now should be 6 am in hk but i just come back Patrick's home (Antony) from Paris, enjoy the pics first! =P
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First stop in England - Big Ben (Westminster station) |
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First stop in Paris - white church at the top of paris with the blue blue sky that i love it so much... |
Monitress wah..should mind the backlight situation when taking the photos ar
2007-01-22 09:35:07
TAMAMA what is back light situation ar?
2007-01-22 13:44:07
TAMAMA oh, i understand suddenly! ha
007-01-22 15:28:37
天下第一謀士 背光囉~~
2007-01-27 11:51:06
TAMAMA 我知啦~~天下第一謀士!!
2007-02-05 23:36:56
Get Set...Go
Exciting moment -
Rushing for a week and finally I am in the HK Int’l Airport and waiting for on board!!
What I have on hand?
[Oasis tickets]
[Eurostar confirmation]
[Peaceful moment - Go alone for 15hrs+]
[Two countries at the other end of the world which I haven’t been visited for 7 years]
[Maps borrowed from MyChu]
[Some clothes in the 20” luggage bag]
[New Lufama Jacket]
I start my new journey!!
What would be expected?
[Cool French people in the Metro with noses always higher than their eyes]
[Patrick & his family & his lovely home]
[Cloudy sky around the Big Ben]
[London Bridge in the rain]
[Keeley with her smiling face as always]
[Let Let in XL size]
[Ball always in peak season no matter where he is]
What could be gained from the trip?
Thinner? Fatter? maybe understand myself....deeply
What else??
Let’s see!!
wrote @ 20-01-2007 00:20 at the Booth of Kenfair - a non-stop product sourcing portal for global buyers, Hong Kong International Airport
Monitress: Inkjoe...take care ar!! Have a nice trip!!
2007-01-21 13:55:51
9:15晨早拖住極虛弱的身軀回公園工作, 為的是不希望在下星期last day 過後收到任何Follow Up Call!!
10:45跟Temp Staff說了半天她將要接手的工作重點, 又跟電話裡的auditee 傾傾傾過後….瘋狂的咳, 總是咳不出來, 很害怕會演變成更嚴重的….唯有跟家中的老細攞Approval, 睇西醫去!
11:00致電CW(舊靚女同事)詢問MOS Good Doctor Information, 她說她已成了我的MOS電話薄, 我說不只迳是本 ‘MOS緊急電話薄’ 至真!! 哈!!
這家診所很巴閉, 是排隊攞籌的, 而且要伍醫生的話,早上11:00打電話攞的己是下午4:30的籌!!
為了爭取時間完成手上工作, 唯有搭的士去攞, 很老土呀!!
4:15交低手頭的工作後(其實整理得不夠好,有點不好意思~但不想拖住consultant 的工作及明天的sick leave大計被破滅,只好交一份有缺陷美的工課!! =P), 又飛的回MOS睇伍醫生去了!!
10:30 看罷我最愛的賭場風雲
11:30 暈暈地把手記寫完….Pen down!! 各位晚安!!
10:45跟Temp Staff說了半天她將要接手的工作重點, 又跟電話裡的auditee 傾傾傾過後….瘋狂的咳, 總是咳不出來, 很害怕會演變成更嚴重的….唯有跟家中的老細攞Approval, 睇西醫去!
11:00致電CW(舊靚女同事)詢問MOS Good Doctor Information, 她說她已成了我的MOS電話薄, 我說不只迳是本 ‘MOS緊急電話薄’ 至真!! 哈!!
這家診所很巴閉, 是排隊攞籌的, 而且要伍醫生的話,早上11:00打電話攞的己是下午4:30的籌!!
為了爭取時間完成手上工作, 唯有搭的士去攞, 很老土呀!!
4:15交低手頭的工作後(其實整理得不夠好,有點不好意思~但不想拖住consultant 的工作及明天的sick leave大計被破滅,只好交一份有缺陷美的工課!! =P), 又飛的回MOS睇伍醫生去了!!
10:30 看罷我最愛的賭場風雲
11:30 暈暈地把手記寫完….Pen down!! 各位晚安!!
相約好班長來我家倒數,她買來了香檳,我買來了蛋糕, 被大王知道了我們有好野飲, 嚷住要來, 可惜大王遲大到, 幾經辛苦12:30終於到達, 順理成章力成了2007年來探訪的第一人!!為免令千辛萬苦來到的大王失望, 精靈的台長便預先把無線倒數錄起及重播, 夾埋班長為他二度倒數,笑爆肚!
在第一次Count Down的時候, 班長跟足香檳仔的吩咐來開香檳,可惜香檳仔沒有告訴她鐵線一鬆,香檳便要噴出來, 那早了30秒的 ‘噗’一聲把我們嚇到跳起繼而大笑(包括細細佬)!! 我們仨便一起倒數兼大叫: 新年快樂!!! So Happy!!
酒醉過後台長鯨吞1/4磅Double Rainbow 雪糕蛋糕,煲電影,三點幾先zzz...,醒來飯後的藍天下午, 冰箱裡的蛋撻雪糕又向台長招手, 吃下1.5個後知道大事不妙,喜慶中胡亂吃, 通常是台長病倒的原因…..今年的新年原望加多個, 人人身體健康!!
相約好班長來我家倒數,她買來了香檳,我買來了蛋糕, 被大王知道了我們有好野飲, 嚷住要來, 可惜大王遲大到, 幾經辛苦12:30終於到達, 順理成章力成了2007年來探訪的第一人!!為免令千辛萬苦來到的大王失望, 精靈的台長便預先把無線倒數錄起及重播, 夾埋班長為他二度倒數,笑爆肚!
在第一次Count Down的時候, 班長跟足香檳仔的吩咐來開香檳,可惜香檳仔沒有告訴她鐵線一鬆,香檳便要噴出來, 那早了30秒的 ‘噗’一聲把我們嚇到跳起繼而大笑(包括細細佬)!! 我們仨便一起倒數兼大叫: 新年快樂!!! So Happy!!
酒醉過後台長鯨吞1/4磅Double Rainbow 雪糕蛋糕,煲電影,三點幾先zzz...,醒來飯後的藍天下午, 冰箱裡的蛋撻雪糕又向台長招手, 吃下1.5個後知道大事不妙,喜慶中胡亂吃, 通常是台長病倒的原因…..今年的新年原望加多個, 人人身體健康!!
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罪魁禍首->蛋撻雪糕 新一年的天空是晴朗的!!多美!! |
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