Let's count down together!

CafeMom Tickers


open ended questions...

2009-07-25 18:39:23

Imagine it is my own business and i am going to earn money, build up relationships with my partners here, i will go along with it in my entire life, will i be happy?

Imaging it is my stepping stone before I having my own business, will i be that energtic in doing all these works days and nights? sacrifice lovely moments with sing, pa, brothers, sing family, friends, etc...will i be happy at the end of my life?



2009-07-19 21:14:07

事隔一年, 我又回到寫日記的日子, 結婚, 渡蜜月, 通通沒有寫下什麼, 藉住今次出外工幹為由, 要寫番啦, 唔係十年之後都唔未必記得起發生過咩事!!

北海街, 搭巴士到蛇口既堔圳灣, 多謝家姐提供電話號碼, 打風工幹無有怕!

呢度電視壞, 蘋果, TVB, facebook 通通去唔到 -_-!!! 想唔專心做野都幾難, 希望今次事事順利啦!! 加油!!


BK low b low b....

2009-07-20 22:38:53

LB mei shi ar~~~=)
2009-07-21 22:09:56