Tutorial 1
BB, you can be called as a 小寶寶 now, i will teach you what is a process, everything is a process, when is start (trigger, plan) when is end (back to normal, feedback). Process may come to you in a form that is out of your expectation. What you have to do is to think about how to deal with different situations, solutions can be flexible and creative, 只要你肯唸!
I would also like to teach you in a family, or even in a small union, the most important thing is 和陸共處。family members are you life long companion, love your family memebers, at the same time, love your life, you will gain another sense of clamness.
10W6D 4cm, can see head, hands and legs, also can hear BB's heartbeat! It's amazing!!
Dr Chan gave me another set of medicines, hope with the help of the new medicines, I can get well soon!
Paracetamol 500mg 4 for pain, for fever drink more water.
Zyrtec for itchiness, allergy 1.
Cocillana 3.
Strepsils loz.
Monitress visited Carmel tonight, she bought CoCo Cake, super delicious!!
In the afternoon, fire with BK, why I should be the one who do it wrongly? even I am wrong, can't you be more considerate and completed the assigned tasks by yourself even thought it is not as smooth as it is in a prefect way? Things can never be prefect but you are human being which is smart and flexible enough to handle! You know, my emotion is directly affecting the BB's emotion in the future! Please be considerate!
Dr Chan gave me another set of medicines, hope with the help of the new medicines, I can get well soon!
Paracetamol 500mg 4 for pain, for fever drink more water.
Zyrtec for itchiness, allergy 1.
Cocillana 3.
Strepsils loz.
Monitress visited Carmel tonight, she bought CoCo Cake, super delicious!!
In the afternoon, fire with BK, why I should be the one who do it wrongly? even I am wrong, can't you be more considerate and completed the assigned tasks by yourself even thought it is not as smooth as it is in a prefect way? Things can never be prefect but you are human being which is smart and flexible enough to handle! You know, my emotion is directly affecting the BB's emotion in the future! Please be considerate!
昨天終於病倒, 究竟係因為大王差不多病好把病傳給我, 還是星期六穿太少去沙田18?定係星期日吃了一包熱浪?或是星期二training 時被一班帶病的同事傳染到?
今日睇歐楊醫生,他說孕婦一般抵抗力比平常弱一點,他開了一些治療感冒喉嚨發炎的藥及給了我兩天假紙,但工作要及時做好,下午還是回公司,很不舒服再算,希望快D好番! BB, 一齊杏加油呀!!
Medicine list:
Angenol 500mg
Cimetidine 200mg
Synchloramin 2mg
Fleming 375mg
Mist expect stim
Cepacol Lozenges (Madame pearl's)
明天將要進入第十週了, 時間由前幾個星期過得很慢變成現在的很快, 可能同少了不舒服的反應有關, 現在除了有時比較眼瞓之外, 早上的反胃, 惡心及嚴重眼瞓已經得到改善, 早上先吃多士再飲鮮奶果然有效!
上上個禮拜(22/2) 與keroro, alice, weiyun & maggie 在applegreen吃過keroro後補的生日飯, 各人安好, weiyun更加把握機會好好休息, 為生寶寶作好準備! 上個禮拜與Pat晚飯, 她還是一樣一沒有大不同! 昨天與meiyee, ivy, kathy, samantha 到shatin18吃後補的生日飯, jacky 也來了! 傾下食下又一個中午! 不約而同, 沒有人發現我有不同啊! 呵呵! 飯後立即向班長send whatsapp, 宣佈奸計得逞了! 對不起呀各位, 等stable D再告訴你們吧!
自從german二月轉了新公司, which is 係太古坊, 我地個個星期都約食lunch, 如果唔係咁, 好朋友都好難成日見!
星期二(28/2) 上iris 屋企食飯, ris同ris媽媽為我地準備左好多好多野食, 有瑞士芝士火鍋, 配料有西蘭花, 紅蘿蔔, 細條粟米, 餅乾, bread, salad, cake from tony wong, 仲有一隻超好味的美國醬, 有機會去做野都要去買!! 席間, fi同fran都宣佈我懷孕了!!!! 是龍年效應嗎? 我身邊共有3位龍媽媽!!! Yeah!! 好多人陪呀!!
還是在Victoria 改了playgroup 時間, 雖然11am個waiting list 有成500個人 (9am: 300), 但一想起如果在星期六都要晨早起身準備9am playgroup, 實在有點過不了自己. , 還是改了! 希望有得玩啦!
這星期大王病倒了, 無飯煮婦出馬! 煮左火腿炒蛋, 西蘭花炒雞柳, 蒸肉餅, 仲向白粥度加入紅蘿蔔! 希望大王快d好番!!
用兩堂時間完成的painting, 又易畫, 又靚, 真好!!
爸爸? Daddy? 老豆? 定係大王?
明天將要進入第十週了, 時間由前幾個星期過得很慢變成現在的很快, 可能同少了不舒服的反應有關, 現在除了有時比較眼瞓之外, 早上的反胃, 惡心及嚴重眼瞓已經得到改善, 早上先吃多士再飲鮮奶果然有效!
上上個禮拜(22/2) 與keroro, alice, weiyun & maggie 在applegreen吃過keroro後補的生日飯, 各人安好, weiyun更加把握機會好好休息, 為生寶寶作好準備! 上個禮拜與Pat晚飯, 她還是一樣一沒有大不同! 昨天與meiyee, ivy, kathy, samantha 到shatin18吃後補的生日飯, jacky 也來了! 傾下食下又一個中午! 不約而同, 沒有人發現我有不同啊! 呵呵! 飯後立即向班長send whatsapp, 宣佈奸計得逞了! 對不起呀各位, 等stable D再告訴你們吧!
自從german二月轉了新公司, which is 係太古坊, 我地個個星期都約食lunch, 如果唔係咁, 好朋友都好難成日見!
星期二(28/2) 上iris 屋企食飯, ris同ris媽媽為我地準備左好多好多野食, 有瑞士芝士火鍋, 配料有西蘭花, 紅蘿蔔, 細條粟米, 餅乾, bread, salad, cake from tony wong, 仲有一隻超好味的美國醬, 有機會去做野都要去買!! 席間, fi同fran都宣佈我懷孕了!!!! 是龍年效應嗎? 我身邊共有3位龍媽媽!!! Yeah!! 好多人陪呀!!
還是在Victoria 改了playgroup 時間, 雖然11am個waiting list 有成500個人 (9am: 300), 但一想起如果在星期六都要晨早起身準備9am playgroup, 實在有點過不了自己. , 還是改了! 希望有得玩啦!
這星期大王病倒了, 無飯煮婦出馬! 煮左火腿炒蛋, 西蘭花炒雞柳, 蒸肉餅, 仲向白粥度加入紅蘿蔔! 希望大王快d好番!!
用兩堂時間完成的painting, 又易畫, 又靚, 真好!!
爸爸? Daddy? 老豆? 定係大王?
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