Let's count down together!

CafeMom Tickers


Patrick&Angie's BIG DAY

莊浩雲同吳肯婷's BIG DAY

嘩嘩嘩!!! 這兩個星期忙到爆呀!! 先幫一個existing client 做CG review (~20 interviews with top management and members,位位大人物), 再加一個pn21 job (HK client), 再加莊浩雲同吳肯婷既BIG DAY, 實在係忙忙忙呀!!!

不過, BIG DAY 各人實在好開心!!! 一對新人唔洗講, 梗係開心, 爸爸更加開心到見牙唔見眼, 好似開party咁,攞住支XO四周圍請人飲(注意: 爸爸自己堅持繼續滴酒不沾! 哈), 好笑!! 估唔到他們咁有heart! 攪到個婚禮咁好,令人又笑又喊,祝佢地幸福快樂!!!

Album: NS Angie & Patrick BiG DaY

Friday lunch 同大偉吃了so called counseling meal, 大偉問 what do you want? (I want to give birth but seems difficult to do so here) How to make the change so that the career here becomes meaningful and long term? (Yet to answer) How do you feel the engagements during this year? Do you have the flexibility to move things around? (I said manageable) Why still want to leave? (I wanna say manageable doesn’t mean this is suitable for me and I enjoy it…but is there a job that really suits me and I can enjoy myself there? I also wonder…Need to think further)

Painting lesson: An Apple - done!

今日起身清outstanding tasks for hs, 再落M記食個早餐,再行落旺角落訂買Galaxy SII,好期待呀!!! 
