又瀉又嘔仲有發燒! 全身乏力, 好耐無試過病成咁! 話說星期日早上起身喉嚨勁痛, 睇開既醫生又連續三天休息, 於是返屋企附近食個海南鷄飯再飲涼茶. 點知返自己屋企無幾耐就又瀉又嘔! 爸爸提意去睇西醫, 於是又搭的士去啦, 出門前探熱, 38.8 呀, 到診所再探, 38.2 (100.8), 幾耐無發過燒呀...1/2 congee, some medicine, slept for a while, woke up and take a bath, finished the second half congee, some medicine again, slept again....though not good sleep....woke up at 7, 8 and 9a,m....check again 38.0, i think it is better, but still too tired....is time to sleep again...
woke up again at 12:30 have a piece of bread, reading news, 雖然還有一點點肚瀉和鼻涕, 但再探熱發現是37.0 , 退燒啦!! 進度良好! =)
my menu in the coming 2 to 3 days:
white bread