早上去完廣華, 知道上次中期抽血沒有問題, 開心! 不用飲糖水! 廣華量血壓體重(89/54,正常地在低水平,57 kg) 下午再到陳醫生診所照超聲波.
Dr Chan said bb size
is big, 5 pounds 11oz (i.e. 5.6 kg). For my size, I should gain weight of 10 to
12 kg in total, however, I gained this weight (57.5-58 kg at Dr Chan clinic) already in week 33! OMG!! If I continued
to grow with this rate, I may have to consider c section! I’m not 100% cannot
deliver naturally, but if knew that try to deliver naturally and finally need
to do c section, Dr Chan said why not choose c section? Dragon mama has to
control weight, 0.5 to 1kg per week, less carbonhydrate and sweet including
還有, 容易
見暈,好似上次排隊攞位飲茶,因為太操勞,少休息,人多,飲太少水,血壓又偏低! 要避免, 就要多休息, 多
mama, add oil ar!!
回家前到Mother Court and H&M 買Nursing bra, Mother Court 又貴, 質數又唔好, 無下次!
廣華門口參加媽媽會的禮物! |
寶寶近照一張, 比上一次長胖了, 連脐帶在咀邊! |
放產假前的最後大作 |