
IAF Training / 未病好
這星期可真夠辛苦! 不知為何又發燒, 又咳, 又傷風! 可能係training room 最後既位置對正冷氣出口, 最慘係不可以請假, 因為我要在training 時扮client 呀! 細個training 時見d Manager 扮得多,今次終於輪到我! 好好玩!! 哈哈!! 但見慣大場面既Queenie 話未夠衰喎! 但係班同事已經好大反應話好衰,好惡呀! 哈哈, 實在好好玩!! 最緊要有人話由頭到尾go through 一次個process有用, 病住做都抵番哂!
星期四, 終於可以休息一天!
星期五, weiyun last day, 見她趕到個頭出哂煙, 向CWB寧記打完邊爐,仲有個 CL report 要番屋企做埋, 真係辛苦到呢! 希望她快D攪掂, 快D投入新工作! 我就希望快D搵到理想, 然後last day 可以舒舒服服, 享受係公司既最後一日!
晚上睇電視知道陳煥仁從小便喜歡音樂,但從小便被打壓包括爸爸, 但他沒有放棄呀, 很老土地, 相信自己, 努力為自己爭取, 今日他紅遍亞洲啦! 有希望, 有信心, 有什麼不可以? 是否可以安排我的last day 了?
星期四, 終於可以休息一天!
星期五, weiyun last day, 見她趕到個頭出哂煙, 向CWB寧記打完邊爐,仲有個 CL report 要番屋企做埋, 真係辛苦到呢! 希望她快D攪掂, 快D投入新工作! 我就希望快D搵到理想, 然後last day 可以舒舒服服, 享受係公司既最後一日!
晚上睇電視知道陳煥仁從小便喜歡音樂,但從小便被打壓包括爸爸, 但他沒有放棄呀, 很老土地, 相信自己, 努力為自己爭取, 今日他紅遍亞洲啦! 有希望, 有信心, 有什麼不可以? 是否可以安排我的last day 了?
The second 新玩具 / music & beer festival /BB 出世了
晚上仲同kero去左lan kwan fong.,都幾得意,可惜太早未有music show,唔係仲正!
回家後睇facebook先知道丹丹今日出世啦! 好想快D去探佢地兩母子呀!
今天早上, 又發了一個小脾氣, 要我幫手在地上拿將要回收的紙章, 我兩手也是袋, 讓你幫我拿一下, 有很過分嗎? 為什麼要縮?! 那我在你生病時,做手術時, 又請假又照顧, 我為什麼沒有縮? 現在回想起來, 是否笨了? 這樣怕蝕底的人, 到頭來最蝕的人其實是你, 因為你不曾付出, 最後你只有一般的收獲, 相反, 樣樣都不怕蝕底, 事事真心付出的, 往往有意相不到的收獲, 你看不見嗎? 一係你扮知足, 一係你根本沒有那顆心去感受付出的快樂, 也沒有那顆心去欣賞除了你自己以外一切美好的事物, 包括因為你不怕蝕底而獲得的收獲.
你何時會改變? 走出那個只有你自己的世界? 然後用心去留意身邊的人, 欣賞, 關心身邊的人及為自己及身邊的人計劃一下未來? 希望在今天!
下午, 在MTR見完HS Member 之後回家, 藥發揮作用了, 昏睡, 直到大王回來!
你何時會改變? 走出那個只有你自己的世界? 然後用心去留意身邊的人, 欣賞, 關心身邊的人及為自己及身邊的人計劃一下未來? 希望在今天!
下午, 在MTR見完HS Member 之後回家, 藥發揮作用了, 昏睡, 直到大王回來!
又瀉又嘔仲有發燒! 全身乏力, 好耐無試過病成咁! 話說星期日早上起身喉嚨勁痛, 睇開既醫生又連續三天休息, 於是返屋企附近食個海南鷄飯再飲涼茶. 點知返自己屋企無幾耐就又瀉又嘔! 爸爸提意去睇西醫, 於是又搭的士去啦, 出門前探熱, 38.8 呀, 到診所再探, 38.2 (100.8), 幾耐無發過燒呀...1/2 congee, some medicine, slept for a while, woke up and take a bath, finished the second half congee, some medicine again, slept again....though not good sleep....woke up at 7, 8 and 9a,m....check again 38.0, i think it is better, but still too tired....is time to sleep again...
woke up again at 12:30 have a piece of bread, reading news, 雖然還有一點點肚瀉和鼻涕, 但再探熱發現是37.0 , 退燒啦!! 進度良好! =)
my menu in the coming 2 to 3 days:
white bread
woke up again at 12:30 have a piece of bread, reading news, 雖然還有一點點肚瀉和鼻涕, 但再探熱發現是37.0 , 退燒啦!! 進度良好! =)
my menu in the coming 2 to 3 days:
white bread
Canon Selphy
昨天先看transformer 再到親友家中吃飯. 家家有本難唸的經, 父母對子女的期望, 子女對父母的依賴, 每一代都要面對; 好像解決不了的現狀, 是否真的解決不了? 個人的事, 家庭的事以至天下事, 是好是壞,只在乎主觀的心,不在乎客觀的事, 一方面我相信只要仍活著,沒有什麼不可能解決; 經過努力多方面嘗試過仍然解決不了的事, 通常都不在你可以控制的範圍之內, 這種情況下, 如果有一方選擇調節自己的期望, 調節自己的心情, 最少那個人已放過了自己, 如果雙方面都這樣處理, 那不是天下太平了? 祝福他們早日想通, 早日享受家庭樂!
有些人天天遇到難事 (像黃品立小時候, 就有其灰色的一面, 現在是心臟科醫生) 都可以運作如常, 甚至更正面的活過來, 靠的都是高於常人的逆景智商. 家庭教育對一個小朋友的成長的影響當然非常深遠, 但我更相信性格改變命運, 不怨天不尤人, 只要有明確目標, 有信心, 有能屈能伸的精神, 你/理想必定可以達到!
有些人天天遇到難事 (像黃品立小時候, 就有其灰色的一面, 現在是心臟科醫生) 都可以運作如常, 甚至更正面的活過來, 靠的都是高於常人的逆景智商. 家庭教育對一個小朋友的成長的影響當然非常深遠, 但我更相信性格改變命運, 不怨天不尤人, 只要有明確目標, 有信心, 有能屈能伸的精神, 你/理想必定可以達到!
莫文蔚, 雖然沒有看懂或欣賞她那一方面的才華, 但一直都認為她是一位很有個人風格很特別的一位藝人. 最近她宣佈要與初戀情人結婚了, 消息使我好奇, 搜尋她的資料後, 更了解那獨特的個人作風是從何來; 看到以下節錄, 很認同她的想法,希望大王都明白, 有一天大放異彩!
Extracted from:
Extracted from:
Roundtable & Member's meeting
今天開了歷時4小時的roundtable, 那個討論的內容, 加上明天同個客開會的內容呀, 直到現在(吃過晚飯及沖涼後),仍然在我腦內盤旋, 不停的回憶呀組織呀......安袓, 是時候relax 啦, relax 啦...
為什麼所有事情好像是我一廂情願, 什麼時候應該達到什麼目標, 計劃這計劃那, 都只有我一個人著緊. 難道你沒有想過我們要一起擁有什麼嗎? 難道不知道人生想擁有什麼從來不是由天趺下來,而是人經過努力, 付出過, 才有機會得到的嗎? 什麼時候你才會為我們的幸福想得長遠一點?
不想將來也擺, 請不要再無理地發脾四, 難道為這樣小的事對身邊的人發脾四, 破壞彼此關係很值得嗎? 對我來說, 我們都健在, 難得在一起, 難得相處, 對方已經是最重要, 應該事事珍惜才對, 你不珍惜相處的和諧, 也請不要讓我難受, 我不想抑屈死, 而且對著EQ這樣低的人, 為任何小事都可以動氣的人, 我已經受夠
你即管繼續不停打機吧, 既然你都不珍惜相處的時間, 以後都不會有人對你作出抱怨, 因為再沒有人為此而著緊
過往著緊的人 現在都不著緊了 因為實在已經很累
不想將來也擺, 請不要再無理地發脾四, 難道為這樣小的事對身邊的人發脾四, 破壞彼此關係很值得嗎? 對我來說, 我們都健在, 難得在一起, 難得相處, 對方已經是最重要, 應該事事珍惜才對, 你不珍惜相處的和諧, 也請不要讓我難受, 我不想抑屈死, 而且對著EQ這樣低的人, 為任何小事都可以動氣的人, 我已經受夠
你即管繼續不停打機吧, 既然你都不珍惜相處的時間, 以後都不會有人對你作出抱怨, 因為再沒有人為此而著緊
過往著緊的人 現在都不著緊了 因為實在已經很累
快要哭泣的鯨魚(WIP) |
Patrick&Angie's BIG DAY
莊浩雲同吳肯婷's BIG DAY
嘩嘩嘩!!! 這兩個星期忙到爆呀!! 先幫一個existing client 做CG review (~20 interviews with top management and members,位位大人物), 再加一個pn21 job (HK client), 再加莊浩雲同吳肯婷既BIG DAY, 實在係忙忙忙呀!!!
不過, BIG DAY 各人實在好開心!!! 一對新人唔洗講, 梗係開心, 爸爸更加開心到見牙唔見眼, 好似開party咁,攞住支XO四周圍請人飲(注意: 爸爸自己堅持繼續滴酒不沾! 哈), 好笑!! 估唔到他們咁有heart! 攪到個婚禮咁好,令人又笑又喊,祝佢地幸福快樂!!!
Album: NS Angie & Patrick BiG DaY
Friday lunch 同大偉吃了so called counseling meal, 大偉問 what do you want? (I want to give birth but seems difficult to do so here) How to make the change so that the career here becomes meaningful and long term? (Yet to answer) How do you feel the engagements during this year? Do you have the flexibility to move things around? (I said manageable) Why still want to leave? (I wanna say manageable doesn’t mean this is suitable for me and I enjoy it…but is there a job that really suits me and I can enjoy myself there? I also wonder…Need to think further)
Painting lesson: An Apple - done!
今日起身清outstanding tasks for hs, 再落M記食個早餐,再行落旺角落訂買Galaxy SII,好期待呀!!!
嘩嘩嘩!!! 這兩個星期忙到爆呀!! 先幫一個existing client 做CG review (~20 interviews with top management and members,位位大人物), 再加一個pn21 job (HK client), 再加莊浩雲同吳肯婷既BIG DAY, 實在係忙忙忙呀!!!
不過, BIG DAY 各人實在好開心!!! 一對新人唔洗講, 梗係開心, 爸爸更加開心到見牙唔見眼, 好似開party咁,攞住支XO四周圍請人飲(注意: 爸爸自己堅持繼續滴酒不沾! 哈), 好笑!! 估唔到他們咁有heart! 攪到個婚禮咁好,令人又笑又喊,祝佢地幸福快樂!!!
Album: NS Angie & Patrick BiG DaY
Friday lunch 同大偉吃了so called counseling meal, 大偉問 what do you want? (I want to give birth but seems difficult to do so here) How to make the change so that the career here becomes meaningful and long term? (Yet to answer) How do you feel the engagements during this year? Do you have the flexibility to move things around? (I said manageable) Why still want to leave? (I wanna say manageable doesn’t mean this is suitable for me and I enjoy it…but is there a job that really suits me and I can enjoy myself there? I also wonder…Need to think further)
Painting lesson: An Apple - done!
今日起身清outstanding tasks for hs, 再落M記食個早餐,再行落旺角落訂買Galaxy SII,好期待呀!!!
Sky 100
吹水/蘋果 [熱, 無雲,一號風球剛除下]
Sooo happyyy, 連續兩個星期五同朋友晚飯吹水, 先是FIFA gathering @ Mongkok, 後有painting lesson 之後請 Mr & Mrs China 到我家食羊又食牛, 大王威迫利誘Mr. China 把一支靚紅酒飲哂, Mr. China 看似飲醉, 講野好攪笑呀!!
今晚painting lesson畫了我最鍾意畫的~~~蘋果!!! 好難畫但係好靚呀!
分別跟Paulo & Mrs. China 說想開一間art jam, 做自己喜歡的事, Mrs. China 即刻俾一條link我睇, 好似做得過喎!
Sooo happyyy, 連續兩個星期五同朋友晚飯吹水, 先是FIFA gathering @ Mongkok, 後有painting lesson 之後請 Mr & Mrs China 到我家食羊又食牛, 大王威迫利誘Mr. China 把一支靚紅酒飲哂, Mr. China 看似飲醉, 講野好攪笑呀!!
今晚painting lesson畫了我最鍾意畫的~~~蘋果!!! 好難畫但係好靚呀!
分別跟Paulo & Mrs. China 說想開一間art jam, 做自己喜歡的事, Mrs. China 即刻俾一條link我睇, 好似做得過喎!
this is my blog ar peggy, so this photo...haha |
Chef Sing |
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未完成, 光位還未油 |
Painting Road
One day, I will be brave enough to step on my Painting Road, not because of money, but ultimately, to share with the world how I see / think about the world and put it on a canvas...the only thing I need is...brave...like the couple...
最後的一對魚 / Joyce & Paul
最後的一對魚 / Joyce & Paul [天晴,熱]
日子一天一天的過, 新買回來的魚一條一條的離開我們, 傷心死了! 現在很怕行近魚缸, 怕多望牠們一眼便又少一條...魚糧的分量太多? 不適應自來水? 實在不知道為什麼呀!! 現在試試減魚糧,換水只換隔過一晚的水, 最後的一對魚呀,你們要努力,好好生存呀!
今天晚上到大學站參加Joyce & Paul 的婚宴, 非常感動呀, 我差點要流淚呀, 自己結婚一滴眼淚都無, 看見Joyce這經歷很多的一對居然想哭, 醜怪死了! 祝福他們,永遠幸福快樂, <<忘了,忘不了>>
日子一天一天的過, 新買回來的魚一條一條的離開我們, 傷心死了! 現在很怕行近魚缸, 怕多望牠們一眼便又少一條...魚糧的分量太多? 不適應自來水? 實在不知道為什麼呀!! 現在試試減魚糧,換水只換隔過一晚的水, 最後的一對魚呀,你們要努力,好好生存呀!
今天晚上到大學站參加Joyce & Paul 的婚宴, 非常感動呀, 我差點要流淚呀, 自己結婚一滴眼淚都無, 看見Joyce這經歷很多的一對居然想哭, 醜怪死了! 祝福他們,永遠幸福快樂, <<忘了,忘不了>>
3人都戴上了myra送的ear ring (我的被頭髮遮住了) |
28 May 2011
原來一星期前不見了的小魚兒不是在換水時走掉的, 是牠不知在晚上什麼時候從魚缸跳出來的!如果不是因為珮姐今早抹窗, 這個真相不知道什麼時候才得以確認!
和碧姬習畫已4堂,非常喜歡昨天完成的一幅: 黃昏的天空,襯托那正在跳巴蕾舞的樹, 哈哈!
今早跟從Mexico回來的Pat飲茶,她似乎很享受現在這份工作, 多好!
晚上喝紅蘿蔔豬骨湯之前,再次炮製木槺布甸,今次在打whilling cream 時, 大王要求小落一點Condensed Milk, 我今次試加 Bailey (新同事Cindy介紹), 雪好再舖一層木槺(不再舖底), 正呀!
黃昏下,跳巴蕾舞的樹 |
28 May 2011
原來一星期前不見了的小魚兒不是在換水時走掉的, 是牠不知在晚上什麼時候從魚缸跳出來的!如果不是因為珮姐今早抹窗, 這個真相不知道什麼時候才得以確認!
和碧姬習畫已4堂,非常喜歡昨天完成的一幅: 黃昏的天空,襯托那正在跳巴蕾舞的樹, 哈哈!
今早跟從Mexico回來的Pat飲茶,她似乎很享受現在這份工作, 多好!
晚上喝紅蘿蔔豬骨湯之前,再次炮製木槺布甸,今次在打whilling cream 時, 大王要求小落一點Condensed Milk, 我今次試加 Bailey (新同事Cindy介紹), 雪好再舖一層木槺(不再舖底), 正呀!
Bailey 味木槺布甸 |
22 May 2011 勁大雨, 紅色雨警告!
今天早上起來發現5條魚仔只剩下4條, 為什麼呀??!! 難道是昨天晚上黑媽媽換水時送走了一條而不自知?!! 太可惡呀安祖莊!! 為了以後不要在換水時出差錯,走到旺角買來了魚網,換水前把魚先拿出來,萬無一失!!
去到旺角不得了,見到大條的魚很美麗, 忍不住手買了兩袋! (要好好飼養牠們,以作補償! ) 一公一母, 各25大元, 因為是分開店子買, 左睇右睇只睇靚唔靚,沒有看清楚數量,原來母的那袋比公的少一條,只有5條, 笨了! 另外, 又買來大魚缸, 把大大小小的魚共15條放在一起, 希望牠們和平共處, 年生貴子,代代平安! 哈哈!
今天下午終於做好了想做好耐的木槺布丁!唔該sandy老遠從東涌送瑪莉餅到公司,又要唔該Teresa &碧姬轉接地把餅乾送到我手中, 下次弄得好味一定會請你們吃!!
今天早上起來發現5條魚仔只剩下4條, 為什麼呀??!! 難道是昨天晚上黑媽媽換水時送走了一條而不自知?!! 太可惡呀安祖莊!! 為了以後不要在換水時出差錯,走到旺角買來了魚網,換水前把魚先拿出來,萬無一失!!
去到旺角不得了,見到大條的魚很美麗, 忍不住手買了兩袋! (要好好飼養牠們,以作補償! ) 一公一母, 各25大元, 因為是分開店子買, 左睇右睇只睇靚唔靚,沒有看清楚數量,原來母的那袋比公的少一條,只有5條, 笨了! 另外, 又買來大魚缸, 把大大小小的魚共15條放在一起, 希望牠們和平共處, 年生貴子,代代平安! 哈哈!
今天下午終於做好了想做好耐的木槺布丁!唔該sandy老遠從東涌送瑪莉餅到公司,又要唔該Teresa &碧姬轉接地把餅乾送到我手中, 下次弄得好味一定會請你們吃!!
Original small fishes! |
New male fishes |
New female fishes |
木槺布丁 - 材料 |
木槺布丁 - 完成! |
Progress update
希望工程Phase 1終於完成! Phase 2就係將 hardcopy diary and remaining softcopy (in Word) diary 上載到這裡! Let's complete Phase 2 in coming 3 weeks!
Mark 6
17 May 2011
Bought mark six together with Cindy after work, after checking the results, I found that I hit 4 numbers and won $640 prize. After deducting the cost $100, I can have 540 for next draw! Lucky me and hope this will continue!
This week, also excited to start the Visteon planning! (prosponed finally)
Bought mark six together with Cindy after work, after checking the results, I found that I hit 4 numbers and won $640 prize. After deducting the cost $100, I can have 540 for next draw! Lucky me and hope this will continue!
This week, also excited to start the Visteon planning! (prosponed finally)
my voice
15 May 2011
There are lots of people who are living, but feeling unhappy all the day…Boby/Jean and But, they are full of negative energy actually….what's the problem?
Whats the purpose of living? Playing online game? reading comics? Identify control weaknesses for clients? What would I like to do which I consider is meaning to the world and I enjoy the process at the same time? It will be painting, I would like to do painting, to paint what I see and show ppl how beautiful is the world!! When can I brave enough to do it?
Can you imagine 10 years 20 years 30 years later, what are you doing? Playing iphone 50? Reading comics? I want to play with my kids at our private garden, feeding fishes and painting. We have to plan and take action now!
There are lots of people who are living, but feeling unhappy all the day…Boby/Jean and But, they are full of negative energy actually….what's the problem?
Whats the purpose of living? Playing online game? reading comics? Identify control weaknesses for clients? What would I like to do which I consider is meaning to the world and I enjoy the process at the same time? It will be painting, I would like to do painting, to paint what I see and show ppl how beautiful is the world!! When can I brave enough to do it?
Can you imagine 10 years 20 years 30 years later, what are you doing? Playing iphone 50? Reading comics? I want to play with my kids at our private garden, feeding fishes and painting. We have to plan and take action now!
BBQ for P&A
14 May 2011
Patrick and Angie planned the brother and sister gathering in Carmel Club House. It’s happened finally today!
Prior to the gathering at the evening, Sing and I went to MK. When we get out of the lift at the lobby at G/F, we met one of the members of Krusty, she is getting marry today! I forgot to say congratulations to her becos I was 打喊路 when the door was opened!! Anyway congratulations to her and Donald! What are we going to do in MK? We went to get cash in RMB 168K from HSBC and deposit to my BOC account on Nathan Road, RMB100 x 1680 = heavy! Although the route is short, but it was so scary to have 168K CASH with me in the city! Finally, mission completed! Next time, I will only do the same at 50K only, becos over 50K, need admin charge! We then went to 洗衣街 to check out the painting materials. I found that some items in HK are much cheaper than those we purchased in Shenzhen Daifan estate! Including Liquid (RMB45 vs HKD35!) while some items we purchased in Daifan estate are really cheap! Including stand (RMB 21 vs HKD160). We have to select wisely!
Back to the gathering at Carmel, it was a happy gathering, I played with the Karley To, a girl who is 8 years old and so cute!!! I think she treat me as a friend becos she invite me to add her in facebook!! It’s my honor!! I also accepted her mother, eva wong and giraffe invitation in facebook, I have 3 more new friends now!! =D
At night, I wanted to compare the effect of three different color materials Acrylic and oil paint color in two different brands (Pebeo and Rembrandt), the painting using the most expensive Rembrandt really is the best one among the three color materials!
Painting teacher: Michael Andrew Law – so talent and I found we have the same mission:「我想畫一些畫感動人,其實也在感動我自己,我想將一些漂亮的東西表現出來,表現我看到的事物。雖然在香港以繪畫和教學為生困難重重,但羅卓睿卻以苦為樂,他感恩上天賜予自己畫筆和敏銳的感覺,令他沉浸在繪畫的美麗世界中,內心平靜而知足. 」 I would also like to do what he is doing now, when can I do so? http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/8/12/10/n2358119.htm
Patrick and Angie planned the brother and sister gathering in Carmel Club House. It’s happened finally today!
Prior to the gathering at the evening, Sing and I went to MK. When we get out of the lift at the lobby at G/F, we met one of the members of Krusty, she is getting marry today! I forgot to say congratulations to her becos I was 打喊路 when the door was opened!! Anyway congratulations to her and Donald! What are we going to do in MK? We went to get cash in RMB 168K from HSBC and deposit to my BOC account on Nathan Road, RMB100 x 1680 = heavy! Although the route is short, but it was so scary to have 168K CASH with me in the city! Finally, mission completed! Next time, I will only do the same at 50K only, becos over 50K, need admin charge! We then went to 洗衣街 to check out the painting materials. I found that some items in HK are much cheaper than those we purchased in Shenzhen Daifan estate! Including Liquid (RMB45 vs HKD35!) while some items we purchased in Daifan estate are really cheap! Including stand (RMB 21 vs HKD160). We have to select wisely!
Back to the gathering at Carmel, it was a happy gathering, I played with the Karley To, a girl who is 8 years old and so cute!!! I think she treat me as a friend becos she invite me to add her in facebook!! It’s my honor!! I also accepted her mother, eva wong and giraffe invitation in facebook, I have 3 more new friends now!! =D
At night, I wanted to compare the effect of three different color materials Acrylic and oil paint color in two different brands (Pebeo and Rembrandt), the painting using the most expensive Rembrandt really is the best one among the three color materials!
Painting teacher: Michael Andrew Law – so talent and I found we have the same mission:「我想畫一些畫感動人,其實也在感動我自己,我想將一些漂亮的東西表現出來,表現我看到的事物。雖然在香港以繪畫和教學為生困難重重,但羅卓睿卻以苦為樂,他感恩上天賜予自己畫筆和敏銳的感覺,令他沉浸在繪畫的美麗世界中,內心平靜而知足. 」 I would also like to do what he is doing now, when can I do so? http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/8/12/10/n2358119.htm
SZ Day Trip
Shenzhen Day Trip
10 May 2011
Shenzhen BOC to do the double confirmation procedure (can transfer RMB from china to HK thu internet); Dai fan estate to buy oil painting materials; 國貿站友誼 do massage for 3 hours! 11pm leave the massage venue, arrive home at 12:30! So tired!
10 May 2011
Shenzhen BOC to do the double confirmation procedure (can transfer RMB from china to HK thu internet); Dai fan estate to buy oil painting materials; 國貿站友誼 do massage for 3 hours! 11pm leave the massage venue, arrive home at 12:30! So tired!
bbq - ex-eyers
2 May 2011
BBQ at Carmel club house with Sing, Yen, Maggie, Doris, Lily. Alice was sick – did not come...
BBQ at Carmel club house with Sing, Yen, Maggie, Doris, Lily. Alice was sick – did not come...
10 Feb 2011 ~ not too cold
Today, I have totally no mood to work, though it is a mouse leave today, actually, it is the last day (tomorrow is supposed the Shenzhen training), I know I have to call Cherish for PO and wrap up the NP work paper and send out. However, I have no mood to start all these. Instead, I completed two movies and clean up the snow from the fridge, and…writing diary here! After a long holiday, I still not make up my mind, in which way I should continue my life, should I continue to be an auditor in ey? But I know it will be just a 1-2 years thing, I will need to move to another firm / company to continue my career. In long run, if I want to change my life, I would like to plan and take action at this moment, be innovative and creative would be the key of success nowadays. The best way, would be continue my work in ey, during weekend, I should do some research for the business that I would like to start up in the near future.
x序漸進! =)
Today, I have totally no mood to work, though it is a mouse leave today, actually, it is the last day (tomorrow is supposed the Shenzhen training), I know I have to call Cherish for PO and wrap up the NP work paper and send out. However, I have no mood to start all these. Instead, I completed two movies and clean up the snow from the fridge, and…writing diary here! After a long holiday, I still not make up my mind, in which way I should continue my life, should I continue to be an auditor in ey? But I know it will be just a 1-2 years thing, I will need to move to another firm / company to continue my career. In long run, if I want to change my life, I would like to plan and take action at this moment, be innovative and creative would be the key of success nowadays. The best way, would be continue my work in ey, during weekend, I should do some research for the business that I would like to start up in the near future.
x序漸進! =)
Wah Fung
19 Jan 2011 ~ not too cold
Today, back to papa shop to have dinner, becos I was late, Noi was left and I have no egg for dinner! Anyway, papa was so good to re-heat the food for me! We decided to have a family Beijing trip in Spring/summer time, probably in Jun after the wedding of Angie and Patrick with Thai’s relatives. What a good suggestion (this trip was cancelled finally, -,-)!
We also discussed the planning / business model of Wah Fung no.2, buy a premise and work like Mannings with a more systematic approach. However, how to solve the stock shortage issue? Prior to sleeping, sing suggested if we request for a volume as big as Mannings, we will have the bargaining power to get the stock safe...
Today, back to papa shop to have dinner, becos I was late, Noi was left and I have no egg for dinner! Anyway, papa was so good to re-heat the food for me! We decided to have a family Beijing trip in Spring/summer time, probably in Jun after the wedding of Angie and Patrick with Thai’s relatives. What a good suggestion (this trip was cancelled finally, -,-)!
We also discussed the planning / business model of Wah Fung no.2, buy a premise and work like Mannings with a more systematic approach. However, how to solve the stock shortage issue? Prior to sleeping, sing suggested if we request for a volume as big as Mannings, we will have the bargaining power to get the stock safe...
No mood to work
11 Jan 2011 ~ Cold!
Duno what am I doing, last week, totally not in the mood to work and work inefficiently, why? Look like I am wasting time, wasting my life, I cannot see my future here, shall I quit and take a long holiday?
Duno what am I doing, last week, totally not in the mood to work and work inefficiently, why? Look like I am wasting time, wasting my life, I cannot see my future here, shall I quit and take a long holiday?
1 January 2011
1 January 2011 ~ Cold
What a peaceful day at home! I slept until 11am because of playing Kinect and slept at 5am last night. Breakfast, cleaning and PO policy (still -.-) occupying me the whole afternoon. Sing was out with Mike for massage after playing boxing (Kinect only?!). I though he has become more kind to me recently, or it that he finally know how to treat ppl around in a better way, but he suddenly shout at me for not handling the phone connection issue completely! I can only keep silence…still not bad, he calm down and serve me to have sushi finally. Is it a good start for Year 2011?
P.S. Lovely cat – wish you all the best after leaving our home…
What a peaceful day at home! I slept until 11am because of playing Kinect and slept at 5am last night. Breakfast, cleaning and PO policy (still -.-) occupying me the whole afternoon. Sing was out with Mike for massage after playing boxing (Kinect only?!). I though he has become more kind to me recently, or it that he finally know how to treat ppl around in a better way, but he suddenly shout at me for not handling the phone connection issue completely! I can only keep silence…still not bad, he calm down and serve me to have sushi finally. Is it a good start for Year 2011?
P.S. Lovely cat – wish you all the best after leaving our home…
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