Let's count down together!

CafeMom Tickers




28 May 2011
原來一星期前不見了的小魚兒不是在換水時走掉的, 是牠不知在晚上什麼時候從魚缸跳出來的!如果不是因為珮姐今早抹窗, 這個真相不知道什麼時候才得以確認!


和碧姬習畫已4堂,非常喜歡昨天完成的一幅: 黃昏的天空,襯托那正在跳巴蕾舞的樹, 哈哈!

今早跟從Mexico回來的Pat飲茶,她似乎很享受現在這份工作, 多好!

晚上喝紅蘿蔔豬骨湯之前,再次炮製木槺布甸,今次在打whilling cream 時, 大王要求小落一點Condensed Milk, 我今次試加 Bailey (新同事Cindy介紹), 雪好再舖一層木槺(不再舖底), 正呀!
Bailey 味木槺布甸



不只一次, 不理會心裡的那把聲, 它通常都提醒我一些微不足道的小事,雖然微不足道, 但往往那便是最關鍵的一環. 通常我做事出亂子,都是因為睇小它而略過它,做少了一個步驟或一個要求. 以後, 要多留意並相信它!



22 May 2011 勁大雨, 紅色雨警告!

今天早上起來發現5條魚仔只剩下4條, 為什麼呀??!! 難道是昨天晚上黑媽媽換水時送走了一條而不自知?!! 太可惡呀安祖莊!! 為了以後不要在換水時出差錯,走到旺角買來了魚網,換水前把魚先拿出來,萬無一失!!

去到旺角不得了,見到大條的魚很美麗, 忍不住手買了兩袋! (要好好飼養牠們,以作補償! ) 一公一母, 各25大元, 因為是分開店子買, 左睇右睇只睇靚唔靚,沒有看清楚數量,原來母的那袋比公的少一條,只有5條, 笨了! 另外, 又買來大魚缸, 把大大小小的魚共15條放在一起, 希望牠們和平共處, 年生貴子,代代平安! 哈哈!

今天下午終於做好了想做好耐的木槺布丁!唔該sandy老遠從東涌送瑪莉餅到公司,又要唔該Teresa &碧姬轉接地把餅乾送到我手中, 下次弄得好味一定會請你們吃!!

Original small fishes!
New male fishes
New female fishes
木槺布丁 - 材料
木槺布丁 - 完成!


Progress update

希望工程Phase 1終於完成! Phase 2就係將 hardcopy diary and remaining softcopy (in Word) diary 上載到這裡! Let's complete Phase 2 in coming 3 weeks!


18 May 2011

I hate being blame! But it’s not necessary my fault!



Mark 6

17 May 2011

Bought mark six together with Cindy after work, after checking the results, I found that I hit 4 numbers and won $640 prize. After deducting the cost $100, I can have 540 for next draw! Lucky me and hope this will continue!

This week, also excited to start the Visteon planning! (prosponed finally)


my voice

15 May 2011

There are lots of people who are living, but feeling unhappy all the day…Boby/Jean and But, they are full of negative energy actually….what's the problem?

Whats the purpose of living? Playing online game? reading comics? Identify control weaknesses for clients? What would I like to do which I consider is meaning to the world and I enjoy the process at the same time? It will be painting, I would like to do painting, to paint what I see and show ppl how beautiful is the world!! When can I brave enough to do it?

Can you imagine 10 years 20 years 30 years later, what are you doing? Playing iphone 50? Reading comics? I want to play with my kids at our private garden, feeding fishes and painting. We have to plan and take action now!


BBQ for P&A

14 May 2011

Patrick and Angie planned the brother and sister gathering in Carmel Club House. It’s happened finally today!

Prior to the gathering at the evening, Sing and I went to MK. When we get out of the lift at the lobby at G/F, we met one of the members of Krusty, she is getting marry today! I forgot to say congratulations to her becos I was 打喊路 when the door was opened!! Anyway congratulations to her and Donald! What are we going to do in MK? We went to get cash in RMB 168K from HSBC and deposit to my BOC account on Nathan Road, RMB100 x 1680 = heavy! Although the route is short, but it was so scary to have 168K CASH with me in the city! Finally, mission completed! Next time, I will only do the same at 50K only, becos over 50K, need admin charge! We then went to 洗衣街 to check out the painting materials. I found that some items in HK are much cheaper than those we purchased in Shenzhen Daifan estate! Including Liquid (RMB45 vs HKD35!) while some items we purchased in Daifan estate are really cheap! Including stand (RMB 21 vs HKD160). We have to select wisely!

Back to the gathering at Carmel, it was a happy gathering, I played with the Karley To, a girl who is 8 years old and so cute!!! I think she treat me as a friend becos she invite me to add her in facebook!! It’s my honor!! I also accepted her mother, eva wong and giraffe invitation in facebook, I have 3 more new friends now!! =D

At night, I wanted to compare the effect of three different color materials Acrylic and oil paint color in two different brands (Pebeo and Rembrandt), the painting using the most expensive Rembrandt really is the best one among the three color materials!

Painting teacher: Michael Andrew Law – so talent and I found we have the same mission:「我想畫一些畫感動人,其實也在感動我自己,我想將一些漂亮的東西表現出來,表現我看到的事物。雖然在香港以繪畫和教學為生困難重重,但羅卓睿卻以苦為樂,他感恩上天賜予自己畫筆和敏銳的感覺,令他沉浸在繪畫的美麗世界中,內心平靜而知足. 」 I would also like to do what he is doing now, when can I do so? http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/8/12/10/n2358119.htm



11 May 2011

Meeting with Alfred and Sandy and Cindy for CG review – kick off officially!


SZ Day Trip

Shenzhen Day Trip

10 May 2011

Shenzhen BOC to do the double confirmation procedure (can transfer RMB from china to HK thu internet); Dai fan estate to buy oil painting materials; 國貿站友誼 do massage for 3 hours! 11pm leave the massage venue, arrive home at 12:30! So tired!


Second Anniversary!!

9 May 2011

2nd anniversary – Macau trip with Sing, Shum, Cat and Dai See. Food, food and food!
11:15 am to 10:15 pm

Dinner at 船屋 near 媽閣廟

we tried 豬仔飽, finally!!!



8 May 2011

Bought flowers to On lee in the morning! 過大禮 at Fanling (Ng’s home) with Sing and Ng and Giraffe, and then sing k with Sing and Shum at Tai po, and back to Sing’s home to have dinner with sing ma and sing ba! What a busy day! =)


bbq - ex-eyers

2 May 2011

BBQ at Carmel club house with Sing, Yen, Maggie, Doris, Lily. Alice was sick – did not come...



2011-05-01 11:19:09

終於知道如果把藍色手記裡的日記跟據實際日期錄入Blogger. 原來是沒有捷徑的!方法是一篇一篇的copy and paste,再更改Blogger 每一篇的日期!! 雖然有點費時,還是很希望為日記從四散的記錄媒體,以Blogger整合為一! 希望工程預計在今天及明天(勞動節)內完成!