Let's count down together!

CafeMom Tickers


CNY 2012

Before CNY: Visited Mongkok flower market, took 紅粉佳人 back to home, its beautiful! 
Day 1: Visited Sing's home, Golden Fish's family visited Carmel, played kinect and checked on my 地板的傷痕, invited father and auntie to Carmel hot pot
Day 2: Invited UC and Monitress to firework gathering at night
Day 3: Visited Jacinta's home & hot pot, met Phoebe and Winnie, Phoebe got pregnancy again! 
Day 4: Hea
Day 5: Visited Dr. Chan in the morning and listened to the result of the test for Sing, immediately, Sing decided to go to visit 黃大仙 and 觀音! Good luck! Dinner with Fat uncle family at 天寶閣! 
Day 6: Yam cha with Coretti, Bobo, Crystal, Eric, Cassandra, Alex & Sing at Ho Man Tin Plaza, played kinect at home with Coretti, Crystal, Cassandra and Alex. 
Day 7: Busy with home stuff, did not go to Joan's home

What a busy CNY 2012! 


Seoul 2012

今年公司大旅行是Seoul! 同行的除了成個Risk Department 同事, 還有家屬, 我的家屬是Lam Chui Ying! 勁呀, 對上一次我們一起去旅行應該是FIFA去仙台, 對上一次是十年前去Bangkok了! Lam Chui Ying 因為轉post放假一星期, 機票貴了酒店慳了(得到lumi的同意, Lam Chui Ying 分得一張Sofa 做床, 希望佢唔會太唔舒服), 她便決定要跟我去玩, 好顛的一位朋友!

行情緊密,先去南宜島, 再勁食勁shopping, 買回來很多masks & foods! 遺憾是沒有跟大隊去seafood market 食蟹, 下次要食番夠本! 總的來說, Seoul是幾適合女仔去的地方! 哈!

Fran photos sharing: https://picasaweb.google.com/franlcy/2012179Seoul?authkey=Gv1sRgCIedzdT1s7WrhgE#


Happy 2012

新一年第一個節目是與ex-pwcers在家看最後一個元旦煙花! 原本好大霧的夜空, 在即將要放煙花之際突然變晴空! 天公做美呀! =) 新一年, 新希望, 願大家願望成真!

第一個節目是到iris 屋企同小朋友玩, 同探下丹丹, 原來丹丹係怕羞仔, 哈哈!

Fran相片分享: https://picasaweb.google.com/franlcy/Happy2012?authkey=Gv1sRgCJSjxruR7ODzEg#

過幾日就同公司同事去首爾旅行, 唔知會點呢?!